We have various ministries within the church fellowship, why not join us and have some fellowship together.
The men meet up every 3 months for a time of light-hearted fellowship with a cup of tea and a roll. This informal meeting lasts around 2 hours with a short message from the Bible delivered by one of the men. All welcome! Get in touch / join our mailing list to be kept up to date!


The ladies usually meet twice per month on a Friday for fellowship in the church hall. This meeting is very informal and involves a cup of tea and a good chat! During the meeting, some ladies will share verses / thoughts from the Bible. Occasionally there are guest speakers.
Our Craft Class is more of a social time with a good
blether and a cuppa at the heart of it. You don’t have
to be particularly ‘crafty’ to have a good evening. Most
evenings you are free to work on your own projects or
learn something new from one of the other ladies but
once per month everyone has a go at the same craft.
Half way through the session, Naomi (Minister’s wife) will
lead a 5 minute devotion which is well received. There is
no charge for Craft Class but participants normally give
a small donation of £1 or £2 into a basket to help cover
the costs of materials. All welcome - even though it’s
currently all ladies in attendance, men are welcome too if
they’re brave enough!!

Our church Singing Group meet for practice every Tuesday at 7pm under the leadership of Jim Williams. The practices are very relaxed people of all ages and abilities are very welcome indeed!
We are a church who believes both in the importance and the power of prayer as well as the study of God's Word. You are very welcome to come along to our weekly prayer meeting / Bible study on a Tuesday evening at 8pm. We commence by enjoying a cup of tea / coffee together. Then at 8.10pm, the Minister will commence the study. The studies are informal, discussion based and interactive. At around 8.40pm we begin a time of prayer. There is no obligation to pray out loud. The meeting finishes around 9pm.​

Children are a big and valued part of our church family and we love to see them out each Sunday! At the beginning of our Sunday service the children will ordinarily be brought to the front to lead us in our opening prayer. Shortly after, they head off to Sunday School for games, craft, memory verse and Bible lessons. Sunday school finishes around the same time as church finishes -1230.
Email Naomi for more details: naomi@shottseucongregational.co.uk

3rd Shotts Boys' Brigade
3rd Shotts BB commenced in late 2024 for boys of Primary School age within our community. For more info please search for 3rd Shotts BB on Facebook or email bb@shottseucongregational.co.uk